Getting The Most Benefit From Postcard Printing
How do you get your postcards read?
How do you get your message remembered? Postcard printing can be a very powerful tool for your business; use these tips to help you get the most benefit and the best results.
- Expect to pay more for a heavier card stock. However, a heavier card stock is more durable for travelling through the mail and will last longer should your customers like to hang onto your cards.
- Try to pick just one thing to promote on your postcard. Your postcard space is pretty limited, and you don’t want to confuse your readers or make them lose interest in your message! Give enough information to make them interested to learn more and be sure to give them plenty of ways to get in touch with you!
- Pick a font that is large enough to be easily readable. The smallest font you should consider for postcards is 10 point. You may want to choose a larger type so your message can be read at a glance and at a distance. Also pick a larger type if your target audience is older; they’ll appreciate the readability! Use a sans-serif font (like Arial or Verdana) for smaller type sizes.
- Include a call to action. Something like “come visit our new location today” may seem obvious, but sometimes you have to tell people exactly what you want them to do.
- Include an incentive. Reward your customers for their response with a special discount or an invitation to a special event.
- Use a friendly tone. How many people out there really like harsh, in your face, sales tactics? A friendly message and a positive tone in your postcard printing will make your customers feel good and be more receptive to your offer.
- Don’t just shop by price. Look for a company that offers you the best quality at the best possible price! When you find a printer who will answer your questions about postcard printing quickly and honestly, offer great suggestions, and listen to your needs -- that’s the company you should stick with.
You don’t always have to send postcards as a stand-alone piece of marketing. Postcard printing can be very effective when used in conjunction with other materials! Here are some creative ways to use postcards:
- Include a pre-stamped postcard survey with your latest mailing; this makes it extremely easy for your customers to respond.
- Use a postcard as a quick mail-in order form.
- Print up subscription cards or renewal forms for newsletters, magazines, and other periodicals.
- Announce a move to a new location or a change of contact information.
- Advertise a new product or service.
- Send out a postcard coupon to reward your most loyal customers. When they bring it in to redeem it, you can note on your mailing list which customers responded and which didn’t. This can help you target recipients for future postcard printing.
Making your postcard message memorable is important, but getting your message delivered & read is equally crucial.