Large displays like retractable banner stands and expandable pull up displays can make a huge impression at a trade show, conference, sales meeting, and storefront. A high quality display will last for years and can be updated as needed.
Getting The Most From Your Banner Stands, Exhibits, and Displays
If you want to make a huge impression on potential and current clients, these tips can help:
- Make your presentation area simple and uncluttered. When too much is going on, a person can’t focus on one thing! Just like in brochure and flyer printing, white space is very important to help guide the eye towards the important information. A banner stand makes a simple and elegant display for your most important
- Concentrate on your most important message. You may only have a few seconds of attention as a person walks by your booth. You aren’t going to be able to fit everything on a banner stand or expandable pull up display, no matter how large it is! Pick the most important message and get it out there for everyone to see. If your message is good enough, it will draw people in to learn more.
- Use a free promotional item to help people remember you. If you’ve drawn someone into your booth to learn more, give them something to remember you by.
- Use your retractable banner stands to divide your office space or trade show booth into separate areas.
- Use your retractable banner stands as a backdrop behind a podium while you give a presentation.
- Use your retractable banner stands on the sidewalk in front of your store to attract extra attention.
- Have a smaller display area? A tabletop banner stand looks great and fits in the smallest spaces. Floor displays are generally more effective and eye-catching, but when space is limited, a tabletop-sized banner will still make an impression.
Finding the best trade show display for you — whether it is a retractable banner stand or an expandable pull up display — means thinking about what you need your trade show display to do. What type of venue will you be in? Who is your target audience? Is this a trade show or conference specifically geared towards people in your industry, or will it have a broader attendance? Do you need any extras — lighting, counter space, or extra storage?
Use your trade show space for one more thing — gathering leads and building a mailing list. Offer a free drawing for some sort of prize or free service. Accept business cards as entries and you’ve got all sorts of leads to follow up with after the show.